Sintiéndome identificado con el eslogan del Foro Español de la Familia: "Hablando bien de las cosas buenas", aquí hablaremos de la Familia, la Vida y la Educación. Y de todos aquellos temas, de mayor o menor actualidad, sobre los que considere necesario hacer pública mi opinión, mediante el empleo de la razón, y la exposición de argumentos sólidos.
Entiendo que el contraste de opiniones, el debate educado y el respeto al discrepante hacen avanzar el mundo. Pero entendiendo que, si bien todas las personas merecen el máximo respeto, no así las opiniones, que no siempre son respetables.
Porque considero una seria lacra el denominado relativismo ético-social. Como afirma Rodríguez Luño, "Esta expresión significa no sólo que el relativismo actual tiene muchas y evidentes manifestaciones en al ámbito ético-social, sino también — y principalmente — que se presenta como si estuviese justificado por razones ético-sociales. Esto explica tanto la facilidad con que se difunde cuanto la escasa eficacia que tienen ciertos intentos de combatirlo".
Feel identified with the slogan of the Spanish Family Forum: speaking well about the good things, here we'll talk about family, here I'll talk about family, life and education. And we'll also talk about all those issues, more or less topical, regarding which I consider necessary to make public my opinion, through the use of reason, and the exhibition of arguments.
I think that the contrast of opinions, educated debate and the disagreement respecting do advance the world. But understanding that, although all people deserve the utmost respect, not so views, which are not always respected.
Because I think a serious it lacra the so-called ethical-social relativism. As Rodriguez Luño says, this expression means not only that the current relativism has many and obvious manifestations in the ethical-social scope, but also - and mainly - that is presented as if it were justified by ethical reasons. This explains both the ease with which spreads as low efficiency that have certain attempts to combat it.
Feel identified with the slogan of the Spanish Family Forum: speaking well about the good things, here we'll talk about family, here I'll talk about family, life and education. And we'll also talk about all those issues, more or less topical, regarding which I consider necessary to make public my opinion, through the use of reason, and the exhibition of arguments.
I think that the contrast of opinions, educated debate and the disagreement respecting do advance the world. But understanding that, although all people deserve the utmost respect, not so views, which are not always respected.
Because I think a serious it lacra the so-called ethical-social relativism. As Rodriguez Luño says, this expression means not only that the current relativism has many and obvious manifestations in the ethical-social scope, but also - and mainly - that is presented as if it were justified by ethical reasons. This explains both the ease with which spreads as low efficiency that have certain attempts to combat it.
Ay que parece que cancelado su blog en paginasdigital… Lo echaremos de menos
ResponderEliminarPues sí, debido a una serie de ataques informáticos que sufrí, que pusieron en peligro toda la plataforma. Una pena. Gracias por acordarse.